The Most Outrageous Fast Food Signs To Ever Be Photographed

Advertising is a great beast that has yet to be tamed. We don’t know if these signs were effective to bring more customers into these fast food joints, but they definitely caught some people’s attention.

Do What Now?

Listen, buddy, you didn’t have to sell us that hard. We all know that fast food is unhealthy, but this description is a little on the nose.

That’s Just Cruel

In a perfect world, fast food restaurants would be true neutral when it comes to alignment with sports teams. That being said, everyone needs a little joke to keep a smile on their faces in dark times, especially when they’re Browns fans.

As Hot as Miami

Although this is a tall order, we appreciate this dedicated Domino’s employee for making such a large claim. If their pizza doesn’t make me a famous millionaire with a huge record and Hollywood career, I want my money back.

Where Do I Go?

So, the drive-through is around the back, right? That’s where the nuggets are right? They can’t be in the dumpster behind the store, because that would be absolutely ridiculous.

Celebrity Appearance

It’s time to snag your dream job. After 20 years of watching cartoons and eating fast food, now you can ACTUALLY pretend you’re working at the Krusty Krab with Spongebob as your actual boss.

That’s Just Rude

It’s one thing to search for specific employees, but calling them losers might not be the best course of action for staffing a professional environment. Maybe try saying “Now Hiring Full Time Professionals”.

Soylent Green

Don’t eat here if the burgers smell and look tastier than they usually do. Evidently, human meat is significantly less expensive than other animal’s meat. Keep an eye out if they never take that sign down.

She’s Done It Again

Usually, a no-call no-show would get you fired immediately, but at this specific rural Dairy Queen, they’re probably itching for employees. Abby is just out there living her best life, not coming to work at Dairy Queen.

A Food Challenge Awaits

This is either a cry for help or a serious challenge. Whichever side you fall on, you should at least go to this Wendy’s and check out what it’s all about.

That’s Understandable

When you gotta go, you gotta go. At least this person was courteous enough to be honest with the public, unlike some fast-food restaurants who will just lie to their customer base like cowards.

Guerrilla Marketing

Who could ignore such a thoughtful message from everyone’s favorite fast-food restaurant? As a matter of fact, I think I WILL have a corndog.

What a Steal

Come for the sandwich, stay for the free napkins. Nowadays, free napkins are so hard to find that if you run into one of these deals, you need to jump on it right away!

I See What You Did There

I’ll tell you what, that’s some clever marketing right there. Not only did that advertisement make me want to eat a sandwich, but it also made me want to eat EVERY sandwich they serve at Subway.

Which Came First?

Although McDonald’s is the originator of copycat marketing, we think that this one came before Wendy’s iteration of this sick burn. Case in point, this is an older McDonald’s sign than that Wendy’s sign. Checkmate, cowards.

We hope That’s the Case

Ethics have been a major topic of conversation in the big business world. Although we cannot prove that this is actually the case, we can assume that they instill good morals in their employees.

Cursed McDondals

They are NOT doing birthday party there, this is a TRAP and if you go into this cursed McDonald’s you will DIE. This has been my TED talk, any questions?

Oh Yes We Do

Finally, someone understands the importance of the great fish sandwich. Wendy’s is the leader of that pack by FAR in 2019. Popeyes still has the best chicken sandwich though.

PR Nightmare

Uhhh… Burger King, you might want to look into your sign makers and check them on their ethics. This is a potential PR disaster, you might have protesters show up to your establishment.

Ah Shoot

That Batman toy was the only thing I was looking forward to today! Unless they’re talking about hunky dudes, which in that case, they might be permanently out of those.

Makes Sense

The internet is a wild place that’s full of dedicated memers. This is a vintage meme, but it’s still incredible that this sign slipped through the corporate cracks and went past management.

That’s One Way to Do It

Nothing says “this is a fun workplace” like a joke offering for jobs. Taco Bell reigns supreme as the best fast food on the market, hands down, no discussion.

Doing Their Best

If you make a mistake, sometimes it’s a beautiful thing that doesn’t need to be erased, just clarified. Also, how does someone make a mistake this serious by accident?

This is a Reach

C’mon Domino’s employee, you really didn’t need to reach that far for such a simple joke. The criteria here should stick to food puns, and that’s all we will accept.

My What?

Get your head outta the gutter Taco Bell employee. Unless you’re trying to attract other taco lovers to your fine establishment. Either way, 3/10 pun.

That’s Strange

Hire whoever you want. That’s not gonna change the fact that I’m going to be coming around the drive-through at 60mph expecting a PRISTINE Star Wars toy in my kid’s meal I bought for my “kid.”

Try Our What Now?

As long as it’s not as sketchy as McDonald’s meat, consumers would try just about anything if it’s under 5 bucks.

They Have a Point

This is a powerful anti-enemy marketing technique. This is just vague enough to avoid a lawsuit. Burger King dude, you deserve a promotion.

Please Don’t Do That

There has to be a rogue group of former fast-food employees that have a bank of these letters at their houses. There is no way that anyone would be willing to risk their job for such a simple joke.

The King is in the Lead

Burger King is on the top of the hill for these jokes lately, and for good reason. If McDonald’s doesn’t get with the times, they will fall far behind.

Forever Alone

Buddy, download Tinder. It doesn’t look like advertising via Domino’s pizza signs is working out too well for you. However, this joke is awesome and someone should take this person on a date pronto.

Oh Darn

That’s one way to try and convince people to come into your pizza establishment. Hopefully, people only read the first line and pop in, in their disappointment, they might want to buy a pizza.

What Kind of Smoothies?

This drink is from Burger King China, and this is actually a mango and tapioca pearl beverage. Poopoo is merely an attempted English translation that falls short of the mark.

Looks Like There’s Only One Size

There are people on Earth that would give $1 million to have a 50ft cup of McDonald’s Sprite. This is technically illegal, and it would never fly unless you tried to frame it like the consumer would be getting a swimming pool or something.

The Sky is Falling

So the new Chicken Little movie didn’t do so well in the box office, but if this sandwich was dropped on Earth by aliens, which it very well might have, this could be considered an appropriate sequel.

That’s Unsettling

I think this is one of those toilets that you have to pay a fee to use, if that’s the case, you’re literally paying for McDonald’s to take your waste and sell it .

Super What?

It will be a cold day in hell when someone actually goes to request information about the Super Bowel special at Little Ceasars.

We Cannot Argue That

Bacon culture is super cringey, BUT, with all the new adaptations of modern bacon, there is no reason to dislike bacon any longer.


Yes Burger King, yes you do have hamburger. Hamburger good, don’t you agree?

Papa Roach

This is a deep cut that not many people will understand, but wow this is possibly the best joke we’ve seen so far.

Tell Us How You Really Feel

This is a cry for help from someone who’s been working in fast food for far too long. I guess that job sucks, never work at a Wendy’s if you have other options folks.

How Do They Do That?

Do these people come out with ladders to steal the letters? This seems like a stretch. Literally a stretch, they must have a tall person that can stretch out on their team.

Does He Really?

We’re either talking about Christian Bale or the actual comic book Batman here. Chances are, the imaginary individual eats from this middle of nowhere Domino’s.

Good for Them

Space rentals nowadays are getting so expensive that it’s no wonder that it would be more economical to just rent out a White Castle. Plus, there’s an in-house catering team that you don’t even have to hire!

That’s Not How That Works

Listen, we’re all for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but five frosty’s for one dollar is a deal that you’d be a fool to not capitalize on.

Watch Your Spacing Dude

Please ignore everything but the price on the menu. We don’t know exactly what’s in the big box, but it does sound like a pretty decent deal.

Don’t Tell Me What To Do

Please sir, please keep the line moving, no you misconceived the context of the sign. No sir I will not kiss you.

Great Deal

Thank god there’s finally a sale on Arby’s legendary flatbread. I’ve been paying $600 all year so far and my family is starving.

Guess I Gotta Go

Well, if you ate pizza with your feet like a normal human being, this wouldn’t be something that we have to talk about at all.

Packed House

Evidently, White Castle is the ideal spot to host an intimate gathering. First, there’s a wedding, now there’s Valentine’s day dinners, whats next? A full Christmas feast?

Words for the Wise

A wise man once said, “never mix laxatives with sleeping pills,” and be made millions of lives better in one instant.

Oh Word

What else would you have? Nobody goes to Pizza Hut expecting anything but garbage za’ and terrible service.

Are You Really That Famous?

Judging by the fact that this dude works at Domino’s Pizza, there’s a really good chance that they’re not internet famous enough to have fans that would be attracted to them.


What were they serving before? Do you remember when Arby’s made vegetables out of meat? This might be one of those situations.

This Does Not Rule

Ignore the sign, look at the flag with the lady’s face on it in the background. How could they possibly do that to their devoted customers? How disgusting.

They Do Have a Point

This is the only time I would willingly agree with Pizza Hut. Evidently, pizza is a healthier breakfast than any sugar-loaded cereal or buttery egg dishes.

That’s Fair

Sounds like one singular person ruined this for the entire establishment. Nobody likes a no-good wrongdoer.

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The More You Know

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.