Funny Breakups That Will Make Heartbreak Seem Hilarious

Break-ups are always hard, but that doesn't mean they can't be hilarious too! These people took the best of a bad situation and turned their relationship fails into laughable memes. Heartbreak isn't that bad when you have a good sense of humor!

Cheater, Cheater

What's worse than breaking up with your girlfriend? Cheating on her, getting caught, losing her and your season tickets! This girl managed to get a pretty sweet deal out of a terrible situation. You go girl, and go team too!

Not Ready

This person is so busy that they can't even bother to double-check their rejection! That's pretty cold. Luckily, this other party seems to have kept a pretty clear head about the whole thing, even though it likely stings. Honestly, this is a bullet dodged. 

Take Care Of Yourself

There are some things you just can't compete with in this life. Unfortunately for the receiving end of this letter, that competition comes in the form of a blue convertible and a real gentleman. Marge is taking care of herself, so hopefully, this recipient did the same. Sorry!

Key to a Heart

This guy had to leave and he had to leave in an instant! He left the mailbox key but took the TV, not a fair trade at all. He seemed to be pretty frantic though, so maybe he just needed some time to process. The "love u" seems pretty promising. 


If relationships are a two-way street, then so are the break-ups. Here's a life hack, you can apparently just deny a break up by saying no. If you don't let a breakup happen, you'll always be dating. Not a great foundation for moving forward though...don't expect a ring down the road!

Hard Conversations

What Jenna thought would be a mutual conversation about moving on turned out to be a classic case of autocorrect gone wrong, in this case, a whole breakup worth of wrong. Awkward is certainly one way to put it. Heartbreakingly hilarious is another. Sorry, Jason!

Dollar's Worth

Jeff...this one is pretty cold. She just got rid of her car, so you give her a single dollar for the bus. She could have had her old machine if you had just made this decision earlier. Take care of yourself first of all Jeff. Maybe he should be the one on the bus!

Coffee Addict

This is certainly a creatively cruel way to break up with someone. it shows a lot of range. It depicts some coffee, some clever writing, some abstract ideation, and of course, ruthless dumping. What a rough note to find on your kitchen counter, right next to the coffee pot no less!

Uh Oh Andy've gotten yourself into a pickle with this one. How do you even come back from that? He started this day with two girlfriends and ended it with none of them. Maybe think before you let someone have your phone password buddy...

Derek's Dilemma

Derek needs to make his move already, but who's this friend coming in with needless cruelty? I mean, if this guy was a journalist, he would be fired for giving away his sources. This guy can't keep anything close to his chest, even his best friend's secret!


Breaking up over text is already pretty tacky, but to do it using the lyrics of none other than Chris Brown? That's a new level of low. You only live once, but this guy used his one life in such an embarrassing way! What was the thought process behind this one?

Pick Your Poison

In some ways, this is kind and courteous. This letter-writer is saying that they want to make this break-up as painless as possible, but they did so in maybe the most painful way possible. Who would ever choose to be broken up with through a friend...

Dog Gone 

Brenda and Mark have finally called it quits, and Fido didn't even get a say! He allegedly hated Brenda though, so maybe it was for the best. This seemed like a breakup they both saw coming. You can't be with someone your own pet doesn't like... right?

Out Of This World

Nothing in this world is easy, so that's why Sarah decided to take this romance to intergalactic heights. She picked a few clever images, but really she's just hammering this point home. Maybe she should give this guy some breathing room (in an oxygenated spacesuit, of course.)

New Releases

This is one of the more creative ways to tell someone it isn't working. Picking songs to say what you need to say is a practice old as 8 tracks, but this is a strange way to do it. It's also quite literal. Wyatt certainly isn't missing much by leaving this person in their past!

No New Friends

Jenny is sick and tired of not just Alexander, but of his whole friend group! Clearly, they're nothing to write home about if Jenny is bored by just the idea of hanging out with them again. Not sure who won in this relationship, but the friends definitely did...


Sometimes in life, love comes just as quickly as it goes. In this case, it happened almost instantaneously. This woman thought the best way to call it quits was with some clever paper folding and a webcam. Hey, if it works and you feel okay about it, why not?


Love can be magical, but what about breakups? Those tend to be a little less whimsical, but in this case, there's definitely something out of this world happening. Two poofs add up to equal one unhappy family. Good luck to these people, yikes!

I Am Batman

Hey, at least he didn't send Robin to do his dirty work! This guy tried to get out of having a difficult conversation by just using the writing of someone else. It would have worked had she not seen and remembered this part from Batman. So close, buddy!

Brutal Breakup, do not walk, out of this man's life. He's getting violent at the thought of you sticking around another minute! This was probably drawn by a little kid based on the handwriting, but still. Someone get this kid some help, this certainly can't be healthy...

Steve's Comeuppance

Steve Frazer might look like an everyday ad at first glance, but look again and passersby will notice that he has wronged the wrong two girls. He tried to have it all, but instead, he got publicly shamed. Even more, embarrassing was his awkward car selfie...ick!

Not On Valentine's Day!

You couldn't do this a day before or after, Laura? This just seems too mean for no reason. The locks are changed, the stuff has been sealed away in mom's attic. Gary has it all and Dan now has nothing. this was so rough to see, hopefully, he got over it quickly...

Janet's Giraffe

Not everyone has a way with words, but some people have a way with their art skills. Janet might not have a boyfriend anymore, but she does have this sweet giraffe drawing. In the end, she must decide which is more valuable. Honestly, it seems pretty obvious...

The One Time Autocorrect Fails

This guy tried so hard to be clever and get out of this situation, but he made one fatal flaw...trusting autocorrect. You can't rely on the iPhone when a newborn child is on the line! Impressively though, this guy tried to fix his mistake. Obviously, it did not work out too great...

Clear Instructions

Kevin Maxey is done with this game of love. He's moved out and moved on, if only his formerly beloved could do the same so easily! His door is locked and his phone has the number blocked. As of December 9th, this guy is a free man, though ladies should probably steer clear...

Happy Anniversary!

Kids lack a lot of social skills, so they probably didn't realize that breaking up with someone on your one-month anniversary is usually considered to be poor taste. Admirably though, he did remember the special day! Some adults cannot say the same thing for their relationships...

Imaginary Divorce

When you meet someone new, it's pretty common to get caught up in a fantasy of being with them. However, this guy took it one step farther. He dated, loved, grew distant from, and eventually divorced his online dating match. Seems like Greg didn't even need to send anything...

Move Out Day

There's something equally classy and hilarious about ordering a specially made banner to let your neighbors know that you've been cheated on. She showed that she's enjoyed her time in the town, but not in the marriage. The move-out day has never been so hilarious!

Cropped Cuties

For young people, social media relationships are a pretty big deal. If your significant other isn't on your page, then how will people know you're together? Well, this guy made his relationship status as obvious as possible for potential girls. Hit his DMs, ladies!

Just Kidding, Jennifer!

Talk about a mean and cruel prank. There are so many questions here. Was Jennifer alone driving? Was she with her partner? Did she deserve such a brutal breakup? Did she really think they were going to be married? She has less than a week to get out, that seems too quick!

Young Love

To be a middle schooler in love means to avoid your beloved at all costs, Rachel, don't you get that by now? Rachel is thankfully not one to hold onto the past and believes that Shawn should still get married one day...just not to her. Maybe she'll still get an invite to the big day though...

Almost There...

This girl was trying to relate her relationship to a famous celebrity one. She was clearly trying to drop the hint that this coupling was not written in the stars, but he was not catching the hint. Spelling it out for someone has never looked so painful, especially over text...yeesh!

Heavy Notes

This girl was getting around! Whether she was out with Michael, splitting the bill with Jared, or meeting up for date night with Derek, she seemed to be anywhere but with her boyfriend. Sorry sister, your house key is not welcome in this house anymore. Goodbye!

New Phone Alert

It's almost like this boyfriend believes he gets to make the decision on whether or not their relationship is over. Obviously not! Thankfully, this girl recognized that her BF was just having trouble with autocorrect. Whew, that could have been a bad situation!

Let Them Eat Cake

If you're delivering bad news, at least do it with some good cake. This guy knew he was going to have to travel around the globe for work, so he dumped his girlfriend with a bittersweet gesture. A break-up cake is the most delicious way to get dumped.

Like Her!

Come one, come all, step right up and take whatever this cheating wife left behind! Do you want makeup? We've got makeup! Do you want precious family photos and heirlooms? Take what you can grab, no item is off-limits, except for my coworker Gary...apparently.

Looking Bad

Keenan, we've all been there. Flirting is difficult, so don't let one little heartbreaker dull your sparkle. Keep making those jokes, and one day someone will actually laugh at them! Look bad even though you want to seem cool. Love will always find a way to you!

Joint Bank Account Billboard

Billboards aren't cheap or easy to put up in the air. Emily clearly had the means and the rage to make this call. She didn't even care that she also lost money by doing this. As long as everyone knows what a jerk Steven is, then it's money well spent. What a lying loser!

Different Ideas

Jacob had an idea of how to ask his beloved to be his ex, but that wasn't in the cards for her! How embarrassing is this exchange? Clearly, they were on different pages about where the relationship was going. One thought they were on track for forever, and the other...well...

Too Incorrect

Ron doesn't seem too bright, so this breakup needed to be spelled out for him. He's bad at math, he's bad at grammar. Hopefully, he's got a knack for languages or science, otherwise, he's going to have a rough time in the real world. Ron, good luck out there without your partner...

That's The Point!

Oh, babe... this is exactly what the other person was getting at! What's worse than finding someone exactly like your ex? That sounds like a waste of time. This person at least knows that the next step should be an upgrade, not a lateral move...

Spell It Out

Saying I love you is a pretty big deal in a relationship, but so is saying that you're planning on calling it quits! This person thought 'ily' was going to mean something special. Well... it's definitely a feeling they will likely never forget, though they probably wish they could. 

Nikki & Kids

Dave doesn't have a dollar to his name now, nor does he have a wife and children. He's totally cleared of all his pesky responsibilities, like the people he loves and the money in his account. Well, maybe if he had been a little more loyal he wouldn't be dealing with these issues...

Bad Jokes

There's a way to let someone down gently...this is not it! This person wanted their breakup to come easy, but instead, they made a total joke out of the whole situation. Not cool, not nice, and definitely not funny... for the person being dumped at least.

Wishing Hours

Too serious too quickly is the kiss of death for most relationships. This person thought they were going to have their forever love, but instead, they got dumped over a text message. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems, especially for this couple. Best of luck to these two...

Deliciously Dumped

Okay, of the ways to get dumped, this one is the most courteous. I mean, you're going to want pizza and ice cream almost immediately right? This is just cutting out the delivery wait time. Crying into a pizza is better than crying into a box of tissues, that's for sure!

Paul's Parting

Paul has no wife, no dog, and no respect from his employees who allowed this mess to happen. His wife hijacked the sign above his restaurant and used it to tell him the tough news. The dog was off the table before Paul could even check on his own tables, that's harsh!

Post-It Parting

Some breakups are better off being quick and easy, but this one really takes the cake. It was less than ten words! This is a kind of break-up that should be illegal for how rude it is. Not even signed, simply posted on a corkboard. Now doesn't that just seem too mean?

New Ex

This person was caught in the act, and they paid the price for it. If you're lying about where you are, maybe double-check that you're not being followed around. To go out to a club and say you're about to fall asleep is a risky move, and it did not work out in the end, obviously. 

Key to a Heart?

Nope, that's the key to a house! This person left behind a note written in the keys for their formerly beloved. The "I hate you" message, the wedding ring, and the house keys all together? That's a recipe for a divorce laid out pretty obviously...

Break Up Body

Your relationship might have left a bad taste in your mouth, but that doesn't mean the breakup should do the same thing! This person went out of their way to order their ex a cake of apology because sometimes there are no hard feelings, only soft cakes. 

Red Flag Spelling

Why anyone would date someone with this many spelling errors is a question in and of itself. To do this when their partner is away too? That's just cowardly. Luckily, it seems like this dumpee is taking to the news as well as they can...which is not well at all. Yikes!

Yes, It Is...

A hot sister is not a crime. Saying that your girlfriend has a hot sister isn't either, but it's definitely frowned upon, especially by said girlfriend. This was a doomed-from-the-start relationship, and getting out of it is best for both of them, as well as the rest of the family...

Blink-182 Fans

There's a lot to unpack here. First of all, ew. Second of all, loving a band like Blink 182 is not a reason to dump someone over text. In fact, it's a plus for a lot of people! The pee thing is definitely hard to explain away though, so this is a pair best separated probably...

Adam, You Fox

Adam thought Sam was the one to worry about, but it turns out that that was simply a red herring. Still, there are a lot of things left unsaid like why he didn't find out until transfer day. Also, what is transfer day? So many questions...


There is...too much going on here. Opening with naming their possible children and only getting weirder from there is an impressive feat that this person accomplished. Also, they definitely misused the word exorcism. Or they want to date a ghost. Either way, weird. 

Listing Lovers

Gosh, this is a lot to follow along with. So, she didn't sleep with his friend, but they still broke up. She's a bad speller, which he hates. His friend is in Wales for 2 weeks. They will never sleep together again. They're both upset. This is chaotic. 

Gold Digger

This mother took her son's words and put them into a text. Apparently, this GF is not one worth his money, and this mother-son duo is protecting his riches. He'd rather have a stable income than an unstable girlfriend, so this is a relationship only a mother could end.

Mormon Boy

No, it's not the hair, though it didn't help much! This is just a Mormon boy with Mormon morals and a desire to resist temptation from the girl he's talking to. At least he's strong enough to pull away from his sinful desires...and her sinful hairstyle, yeesh!


An Xbox is a man's best friend, but not his girlfriend! This guy was worried that his beloved gaming system was in the toilet after his girlfriend found him cheating. Thankfully though, she saved his toy even when she couldn't save their relationship. The one that got away...

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The More You Know

  • Jellyfish can sting even when they're dead.
  • Clark Kent (Superman in DC Comics) is also a character in the Marvel universe, where he's actually just a mild-mannered reporter and nothing more.
  • You can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from more than 2 miles away.
  • The youngest parents in the world were aged 8 and 9.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.